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声音训练:How To Make Your Voice Deeper

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It is common for men to wonder how to make their voice deeper when they sound like a fourteen-year-old boy whenever they open their mouth. A deep voice is dependent upon factors, such as the placement of your head, your nerves and the muscles you use when you speak. If you feel your voice could use some fine tuning, learn to control it with simple techniques.
Relax. When you feel tense, your vocal chords tighten, producing that much-hated squeak when you talk to a hot girl or your boss. Ever notice your voice is lower in the morning? This is because your vocal chords are relaxed.
Speak slowly. When you speak quickly, it may be harder to control the tenor of your voice. Whenever you need to make a great impression, take a deep breath and speak as if you were recording a very important phone message that must be understood.
Hum. With your head facing forward, begin to hum in a monotone. Then, tilt your head back and listen to how the sound changes. Do the same while tilting your chin towards your chest. You will find that your hum has a lower sound when your head is facing forward.
Impersonate a male opera singer. You may need to do this in the privacy of your home. However, notice how your throat opens up more when you sing at a low pitch?
Practice speaking from the back your throat as if you were singing. While practicing, exaggerate vowel sounds as if you were speaking and yawing at the same time.
While you cannot get a deeper voice overnight, you can with persistence and time. The vocal chords are muscles you can train. With the proper practice and training, your voice could compete with guy whose voice you always hear during movie previews.
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Regardless of gender, learning how to deepen your voice can open doors for you. People often judge a person by how he sounds, whether on the phone or in a face-to-face meeting. Men with high-pitched voices are deemed weak; women with girly voices are deemed unattractive and even stupid. Learning how to deepen your voice is just as important as straightening your teeth or learning to dress appropriately. There are exercises you can practice that will deepen your voice overtime without harming your vocal cords. With patience and persistence, you can learn how to deepen your voice in the privacy of your home and change the way you sound to reflect who you are. Here are the exercises for deepening your voice with a few minutes of workout each day.
Recite the voice deepening sentence. Used in the broadcasting business for years, a voice exercise that focuses on certain words and their pronunciation has been proven effective in deepening the voice. Speaking in your natural voice, recite the words: “Ding-dong, king-kong, bing-bong.” Linger over the last “ng” sound.
Recite the same sentence in your deepest voice. Once more, linger over the endings of each word set as you deepen your voice to its lowest range. Your vocal cords will begin to strain with this voice deepening exercise.
Recite the same sentence in a mid-range voice. Now, complete the set by saying the words in a medium depth voice, somewhere between the range of the first and second. Repeat the set three times for a single voice training workout that will deepen your voice overtime. There is no need to do this exercise more than once daily.
Tilt your head back. After a week of deepening your voice with the initial Broadcaster’s Exercise, move on to the advanced voice training. Tilt your head back as far as it will go, so that you will be staring at the ceiling. Now, repeat the first three steps of the voice deepening exercise while keeping your head tilted. This will strain and stretch your vocal cords. Repeat this set twice daily but no more, for fear of over-stretching and damaging your vocal cords.
By exercising your voice for a few minutes a day, you will learn how to deepen your voice naturally and safely. With control over the way your voice sounds, your confidence level will grow and your comfort in speaking in a deeper voice will increase until the deep voice becomes your natural voice. 
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Learn about how to get a deeper voice. All male voices change from little boy to a more grown up sounding voice. But, some guys would prefer their voice sounded a little deeper, more masculine. Is it possible to get a deeper voice though?
Some things to help you get a deeper voice:
A doctor
Experimenting with your voice
Doctors or specialists. There are doctors that have been on TV showing people how to have their voice sound more mature or deeper. You have to do your research on this, but if your voice is bordering on almost sounding more like a girl, a specialist could bring out the deeper sound to give you a deeper voice. This does cost money so keep that in mind.
Voice exercise. While this may not work in the long run, it doesn't hurt to try. Go out of your way to talk in a slightly deeper voice. If you try this out, do it at home before you try it else where.

Not all male voices are deep. Some men naturally don't have a deeper voice. There are numerous guys out there who definitely don't sound like little boys, but don't have a very deep voice either. Some guys may get some flack for not having a deeper voice. Again, you could try voice exercises, or see if a specialist can help you get a deeper voice if it really bothers you. One cool thing is it's possible that even guys whose voices are not on the deeper side tend to have good singing voices. People around you should be able to get pass the not as deep voice.

Video:Deepen your VOICE in less the a minute

上篇:声音训练:A Strength Training Workout for Your Voice

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