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英语口语:三个强音s、n、l 三个弱音d、t、th

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英语中的三个强音s、n、l 三个弱音d、t、th
击穿标识的7个词语:he her him his have has had



what do you do for a living? => wha dyuh(爹啊) do fer_a living?  what do you mean?
my knee went out. 膝盖受伤了 => my knee wenout
my XX went out 我XX受伤了
what's up this weekend. =>wassup ...
i'm =>ʌm
i overslept 睡过头了
I'm gonna stock up on water = i'm going to buy a lot water
toilet paper 厕纸
i'm counting on you = i'm relying on you
counting => couning  弱音t被n消掉
I had a long week = I had a difficult/tiring week
TGIF! = Thank god, it's Friday!
That's pure nonsense
Did you get out ~ing? = Did you go ~ing?
(to)do away with sth = to get rid of sth
(to)do up (clothes,coat,jacket,tie) 系好.., 整理好..,   do up your tie(jacket,coat,hat...)
(to)do it over = do it again
check back in a jiffy 很快就好了,一会儿再来看(拿,取..)
Pick your poison =>pick_yer poison = What kind of alcoholic drink(通常是酒类,也可以是其他东西) do you want
What purpose does it serve? = what is it used for?
To look away 不再看
don't look away from me 看着我,不要看别处
Knock on wood = 希望走运,摆脱霉运(该短语前后不跟其他词)
count me in/out (不要)算上我
To rain on your parade(游行、行进) = 泼冷水 *****
I'm broke = 没钱了 *****
To sell SOMEONE out = betray someone ********
It will all come down to ... = 一切归结于...
I beg to differ~ = i'm sorry but i don't agree with you 有礼貌又明确表达有不同意观点****
Don't sweat it = don't worry
that sucks 真差劲 it sucks 真糟糕 *****
(to) go all out = 全力以赴
Come down with = get sick染上(病)  i'm coming down with flue
Steal my thunder = 抢风头
(sb/sth is)A pain in the neck 指xx非常讨厌的意思
to turn in = 1、上交(作业); 2、上床睡觉(go to bed)
I am down = i'll do it(join you...)
Kick it up a notch 更上一层楼  you can Kick it up a notch by ...
a stocking stuffer 圣诞节小礼物
to keep sb on sb's toes 使某人专注,集中注意力
Keep it down 小声点
The apple of one's eye 掌上明珠cherish
picky 挑剔的、吹毛求疵的
Starting is half the battle 开端是成功的一半
I'm(sb is) sticking to my(sb's) guns 固执己见
taking forever = taking too long
pushover = 易被征服(说服)的人(事),易打败的对手  sb be a pushover for ..
on the edge (of) 在...的边缘,处于不稳定状态,(通常是消极的层面)
cushy = relaxing 轻松,安逸
put up with = tolerate, stand 忍受
get the nod (from) = get permisson
nuke it 放微波炉里加热
hoopla[ˈhu:plɑ:] 喧闹,宣扬 She did all of this hoopla of publicity and whatever in order so she could fly
to straighten out (sb/sth) 理顺,理清头绪
brouhaha 暴动,骚动(多人形成的事件)
on call 随时待命 i'm on call *********
and whatnot 之类的东西,诸如此类, Are you touching it and whatnot? get some extra wire and tools and whatnot
kowtow = too nice to some 卑躬屈膝,唯命是从 kowtow to sb ********
Tweak it(sth)! =change sth a little bit 稍稍调整,修缮以到达更优
take it with a grain of salt 半信半疑,姑且听之,不必全盘接受*******
goof off 吊儿郎当,游手好闲,不认真
My dogs are barking! = my feet are tired 脚走累了
To get carried away 得意忘形,忘乎所以
my diet 我的日常饮食 my diet consists of ....
veggies 蔬菜,素食者
ad hoc 特别设定的,通常用于会议
pig out (on) 狼吞虎咽  let's pig out on pizza tonight ******
Coke is it = means is the best  sth is it表示sth是最好的
Put some elbow into it 多用点力
pouting 撅(嘴)pout的现在分词
get the gist => basic understand 大致理解 get the gist of what I mean ********
a sneezing fit 一个喷嚏 a coughing fit 咳嗽 a hiccup fit 打嗝
get the hang of ~ 找到窍门,掌握要领 *********
to die for 好极了的,非常满意的 sth is to die for *****
(to) make ends meet 使收支相抵  cannot make ends meet ******
ordering take-out 叫外卖 i'm ordering take-out *******
I'm perplexed 困惑 perplexing 使人困惑的,令人费解的; ****
a typo 打字错误(拼写错误等),打印错误
Go figure 猜猜看,想想看吧
In my book = In my opinion ****
Beats me 我不知道,难倒我了 (不要用在正式场合) ******
No ifs, ands or buts! => don't make any excuses 没有如果
Damned if I do, damned if I don't 做不做都不对,里外不是人*************************
hard to beat => difficult to defeat 最棒的,不二之选
out of the blue = suddenly
low-key 低调的 high-profile 高调的 ****
What do you say we... => let's ... ****
It spoke to me => touched my heart ****
Grow up! = be mature ****
He's mature for his age. look or act more mature than his age.
the black sheep 害群之马 败家子 ***
(to be) few and far between = rare 罕见 稀少 ***
Man it up! => to be a man ****
(feel/be) Boxed in 被困住,被限制(自由)  *******
Give a shout out to... = say hello to... 打一下招呼,喊我一声 can you give a shout to me when the teacher comes? ****
He's slick! 圆滑的,懂人情世故的 *****
I'm in deep doo doo => in great trouble
tops 至多,no more than
ten dollars tops, no more 最多十美元,不能再多了
he is 30 tops 他顶多30岁
i'm 20/30/40-something 20/30/40岁附近
have someone over = to invite
brown bag it 自己带饭 you brown bag it? ******
head honcho[ˈhɑ:ntʃoʊ] 公司或组织的最高主管/老板,家里的持家人
i'm all tied up = i'm very busy ******
for good = forever 用于stop/quit/leave sth;  i quit smoke for good ****
on and off 或 off and on 不时地 断断续续的 间歇的
It doesn't measure up 不能相提并论,不可同日而语?? not as good as ******
keep it together 保持淡定/冷静 ****
a sneak attack 偷袭,突袭 *****
all i gonta do is + 原形  我所要做的就是... *******
smooth sailing 一帆风顺 ********
I've been meaning to tell you... 我一直想告诉你
I could not have said it better 讲不出比这更好的话了
=> i couln a saidi better ********************************
here's to... 拿起某个东西对别人说here's to ...(祝贺/赞美/预祝)  *****
here's to your future.  here's to your success
That hits the spot 这正是我想要的  *******
It doesn't agree with me 不合口味,不是我想要的,我不喜欢*********
Suit yourself 随你便(我不喜欢,你喜欢就好) *************
my two cents 我的拙见  Can i offer you my two cents? ***
hit the sack = go to bed
in the shade 在阴凉处
a shady guy 名声不好的人,可以的
shadowing/to shadow = to follow
to blend in 混入人群/融入群体/和其他混合使协调
sticks out like a sore thumb 惹人注意的,扎眼的**
Stupid is as stupid does 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福(阿甘正传)*********
How do you like them apples?(受感动时表示喜悦的感叹语,希望他人表示赞赏)你们看棒不棒?*****8
He spread the full house on the table and crowed
~ is not up to task 能力/水平没有足够好来完成(或帮别人做)某项任务 ****
to put sb on = to hire sb
thumbs up 支持赞许竖拇指
i just don't happen to 东西是我喜欢的,但不是这种类型;事情是我想要干的,但不是现在 **********8
Yes, i do like beers, but i just don't happen to like dark beers.
Sorry, i just don't happen to feel like it right now.
willpower 意志力,毅力
I'm looking into ~ing = i'm thinking about ~ing ********
not nearly enough 一点都不够 *******

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official site: http://letsmasterenglish.com/


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