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negtive <-> affirmative

solace 安慰;抚慰;使快乐(过去式solaced)

agegroup 年龄组

originate from 起源于

incapacitate 使无能力 

    one's poor health will incapacitate him from efficient work. 健康状况不佳就无法有效的工作。

possession 拥有;财产


concentrate on 

show up 到场

leather shoes 皮鞋

spring up 涌现 出现 萌芽

终身学习 lifelong learning

ironic 讽刺的 挖苦的 It's ironic that...

on behalf of 代表 

    He spoke on behalf of ...

    On behalf of my Governmen ...

inferior 劣质的 次品 下等的 下级的  下属 晚辈 inferior quality

Invariably 总是(最常用) 不变地 不约而同

心胸狭窄的,有偏见的 narrow-minded

宽容的,容忍的,有忍耐力的 tolerant

适度的,有节制的 moderate

casting pearls before swine意为“对牛弹琴”。

Six and seven意为“乱七八糟”

take offence at是固定短语,有“因…而生气,见怪”之意

on second thoughts意为“进一步考虑之后”,是习惯搭配。

crocodile tears意为“假慈悲”

Don't have a cow意为“别大惊小怪”

Social butterfly意为“交际花,善于交际的人”

Take sb. by surprise意为“出其不意,使某人吃一惊”

So much the better意为“如果是那样的话更好”

Wake a sleeping dog意为“打草惊蛇”。

Kill two birds with one stone 意为“一箭双雕”。

I've had enough of it(我受够了);

He looks jaded(他看来疲惫不堪);

I'm totally maxed out(彻底累惨了);

She suddenly felt totally drained(她突然感到精疲力竭)。

Don't rock the boat意为“别找麻烦了”

Good for you意为“你真不错”

Don't push me意为“别催我”

Get on one's nerves意为“令某人生气”



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