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Collections of some useful conversations

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You: So, what work do you do?

Her: I'm a hairdresser.
You: (Smile and say in a joking manner) Really? How many ears have you chopped off so far?
Her: (Most likely laughing) None!  That would be bad for business.
You: (Smile and say) Well, I wouldn’t mind too much if you cut my ear; as long as you took me home and patched me up afterwards.

Her: (Most likely laughing or smiling)


You: Okay, so do you prefer to eat out or cook?
Her: I mostly like to cook.
You: Are you any good?
Her: Sure.
You: (Smile and say in a joking manner) Hmmm… Of course you would say that, but I can't take your word for it. You look smart, you're beautiful, but how am I to know if you're a good cook if I haven't tasted any of your cooking yet? You're going to have to prove it to me by cooking something for me tonight, tomorrow or sometime this week. But none of that salad stuff for me; I'm a steak and potatoes guy.
Her: (Most likely laughing or smiling)


You: So if you had an unlimited budget and could travel anywhere in style, where in the world would you like go to right now?
Her: Oh, I'd love to go to some tropical island and just laze on the beach for a few weeks.
You: (Close your eyes, smile and say in a joking manner) Hmmm… I'm seeing it now. You in a sexy bikini sipping piná coladas on the beach… Me lying in a deck chair next to you… Sounds fantastic; when are we leaving?
Her: (Most likely laughing or smiling)


下篇:Describing disasters and unpleasant ending

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